Fire Safety During Self-Isolation

fire safety during self isolation

Fire Safety During Self-Isolation

During this period of uncertainty and caution, our employees, customers and supplier’s well-being is extremely important to us, not only in regard to the current Covid-19 virus, but fire safety also. This is why you should be conscious of keeping yourself and your property safe whilst you’re self-isolating at home.

Under all circumstances of self-isolation, whether you’re showing symptoms and are ill, or are in the high-risk categories, you should be fully aware of your surroundings at all times.

Those that will be higher at risk for fire risks are those who have shown symptoms and are currently ill, as reactions and awareness may be lower than normal. Whilst you’re ill, it should stand to a point to stick to easily prepared foods, such as microwaved soups or meals, as this will limit usage of hobs and ovens, which can become a huge fire hazard when you’re feeling ill, especially when fatigue is present.

Running a bath and relaxing is common when you’re not feeling 100% but avoid lighting candles and/or using electrical goods whilst taking some time to relax in the bath. The use of electrical goods around water can be extremely dangerous, whether you’re using your laptop to watch the latest series of ‘The Walking Dead’ or using your mobile to scroll through Instagram, it might be best to save this for when you’re away from water.

You’re likely to remain tucked up in bed when you’re feeling ill, but it can be quite boring laying in one room for the entire day, which is when electronics come in useful. If you have a TV in your bedroom, or you watch television on a laptop or mobile, remember not to leave electronics plugged in whilst using them in bed. Chargers can get very hot when being used continuously and can lead to possible fires.

It is vital that you don’t add more stress to your life during this already stressful period for the whole country. With so much uncertainty, be certain of one thing, and that’s that you’re fire safe.

Covid-19 postcard of what iMist are doing to prevent the spread

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