Water Mist Myths Busters

Truth or Myth?
A fire suppression system can be set off by burnt food.


The iMist system doesn’t activate until fire temperature reaches 68 degrees. Once the temperature reaches 68 degrees, the frangible bulb inside the nozzle will break, activating the mist system.

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Truth or Myth?
Water mist uses less water than typical fire sprinkler systems.


Water mist fire suppression systems use a lot less water than typical fire sprinkler systems. In almost all installations they don’t require a water supply tank. The system uses a lot less water to suppress a fire.

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Truth or Myth?
All the nozzles are set off when a fire starts.


Only the closest nozzle/s to the fire will activate.

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Truth or Myth?
Water mist systems can't be installed in an already built property.


The iMist system can be retrofitted in almost any domestic or residential property type, including those that have already been built and developed.

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Truth or Myth?
Water mist systems aren't British Standard or National Fire Protection Association compliant.


The iMist system is fully compliant with BS:8458 & NFPA 750. We have undergone rigorous testing to ensure our system is fully compliant.

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Truth or Myth?
Water mist systems can't protect whole buildings


iMist systems work in a similar way to traditional sprinklers and cover the same risks as those types of systems.

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