iMist Halloween Safety Tips

iMist Fire Safety Tips

iMist Halloween Safety Tips

Halloween is a fun time of the year, where you can dress yourself, your little ones and your house up, to give a fright; but, don’t let that fright be from a fire.

There are various ways you can keep yourself safe over the Halloween period, you can still have fun whilst keeping yourself safe.

  • Decorations are one of the first things to ignite, being the cause of around 800 fires at this time of year, with more than one-third of fires starting from candles*
  • With technology evolving over the years, battery-operated candles are a great option for the real thing, to give that effective mood lighting for a spooky feeling. Carving your pumpkins is always great fun, this is the best time to utilise battery-operated candles, to get the same effect.
  • If you can’t resist the urge to use real flame-lit candles, be sure to keep them well away from decorations, with long sweeping curtains, dried flowers and styled paper being flammable, it’s important to keep them away from possible dangers.
  • Trick or treating with kids can be another time to keep an eye out for your safety, keep trailing costumes to a minimum and encourage your children to carry battery-operated glow sticks or lamps.
  • Maybe you’re attending a party this year, when attending a party at a property you haven’t been to, keep yourself familiar with possible fire exits, and be sure fire exits are clear of decorations, and keep yourself fire-safe savvy.  

The main point in keeping yourself safe is all year round, not just Halloween. Check your fire alarms, and that they’re all working!

We hope you have a great Halloween and remain safe wherever you decide to celebrate.

iMist Fire Safety Tips

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